Monday 26 October 2009

Fuck the NEW! oda pase-ismului

NU chiar din seria SUS Clasicii (dupe cum ne invata filantropica lui Caramfil)da' buna. N-o sa va explic, o sa-ncerc sa va zic.

De la WIRED, un articol manifest impotriva cultului - extreeem de costisitor - al noutatii si-o propunere: The Cult of the Somewhat Delayed.

E nevoie de contra-cult ca asta - cu followers, doctrina si tot tacamul - ca sa nu parem prea Amish in lumea asta a superNOU-ului. Adica daca deabia acum descoperi Harry Potter sau Madmen, sa nu-ti rada in nas niste up-to-date-ers cu viteza buna de download :)

The main purpose of the cult will be to allow us to enjoy two-year-old entertainment and technology without being corrupted by the heathen new-havers. In order to remain blissfully ignorant of spoilers and shiny new temptations, we will constantly live as if it were two years in the past.

Sa urmam toti acest contra cult daca vrem sa traim, de ex., mai ieftin si mai bine. Pentru ca the best way to instantly raise your standard of living is to live in the past. If you subsist entirely on two-year-old entertainment, and the corresponding two-year-old technology used to power it, you’re cutting your fun budget in half, freeing up that money for more exciting expenditures like parking meters and postage.

Cultul asta e un protectionsim cosy, un fel de delay, cat sa ne permitem luxul unor actualizari mai lente, mai agale. O comunitate inchisa, exclusivista, care sa nu permita zadarnicirea cultului si a starii de bine. Wired o zice bine:):

Nobody in our cult will be allowed to view media from the outside. Those who mention Michael Jackson’s funeral will be banished from our society, and anyone who reveals the identity of the final Cylon will be killed.

Finalul articolului e foarte bun! de fapt tot articolul a iesit mai bun decat ce am reusit io aici, in incetineala mea demna de cultul lui somewhat delayed.

It is our fervent hope that all of you filthy unbelievers will respect our money-saving way of life, just as we respect your right to provide us with cheap entertainment. We just want to be left alone, and we hope you and the upcoming Clinton administration understand that.

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