Saturday, 15 March 2008
Here I go again...
having that "just a perfect day", soaking up the sun in the park, dressed like a kiddo that denies growth, swinging on roller-blades to my music and thoughts, taking time to twist and turn and cling on to him, smiling largely (and silly) at the sight of my first blossomed tree, indulging in amusement the comments of the skating teens staring at my green cabbage-skirt and nosy ponytail, laughing at crazy playful Tori (the labrador) and her two new pointer-friends, raising my eyes from the rolling track just to be amazed by the scenery, taking deep breaths, gulping in the spring air, the wind, the blue sky and the white tree silhouette, chatting with calm sis who had too much to drink the other night and to Muler and his cheerful Vespa (Muler who reffers to me always as Claudiu's irina - no caps in my name for I am small and needy, oh I'm talking jeberish!!), pausing at times, taming my heartbeats and hoping nothing wrongs this day, picking someone's lost button from the pavement and making it my souvenir for this day, planning to sew it to my lucky shirt. Here I go again, fearing to let go totally and enjoy, fearing something bad might happen, just like we both feared when we crashed into each-other all those years ago and whenever things seemed too perfect. Here I go again like I've always been. It's that voice again. The me that knows that life is also about hard and nasty things, grandma's girl, wise and modest, fearing vanity. Well I know I'm looking happy and all...but I never take things for granted there's no need for anyone or anything to teach me a lesson and ruin my good day. Just because I decided to let go of fear and enjoy my good times. Stop chasing shadows just enjoy the ride. Right?
Thursday, 13 March 2008
thoughts for 2day
1.Costel a dres Busuiocul. Paul Potts al nostru (mai bun decat al lor) a castigat Megastar-ul spaniol. E foarte tare. Mai uitam si noi de bandele de pusti romani jefuitori din Madrid care tin primele pagini ale ziarelor spaniole. si ne mai dam si noi seama de valori, de faptul ca in Romania e buba si ca aici nu creste nimic.
2. Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan s-a dus. Tanar, doar vreo 50siceva de ani. Cand s-a dus Pittis castiga Coconea Red Bull XAlps. Acum Costel e mare iar Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan se duce cu discretie. Iarasi, patrie gaunoasa...
3. Citeam in Time de Kosovo in tripul meu underground. Imi zic in gand uitandu-ma la baba coafata care nu-ntelege ce citesc: "In Kosovo n-are cum sa fie pace sau valabila regula jocului cu suma zero. Terenul asta "intra-vilan" (definitie adaptata la regulile jocului international, evident)e Kosovopolje, carevasazica Campia Mierlei unde si-au luat-o sarbii si turcii deopotriva (la scara direct proportionala cu marimea statului fiecaruia). E locul unde, oricum ai da-o, cineva (daca nu toata lumea) o mierleste.
4. Revenind la metrou, constat cu placere ca la ora metroului cu intarziati (adica acei norocosi care au evitat macelul de 9 o'clock) lumea e mai frumoasa. E chiar un catwalk. Am vazut azi una bucata tip hip-hop-er style cu shoezi alb-negru (unul alb si unul negru), o geaca de piele retro a la Blondie frontwoman, platforme din velur negru tinute elegant (stiti cum sade o lady pe scaun, right? daca nu, cititi cum sa fi o lady, suplimentul din saptamana financiara. e fascinant. motivul fascinatiei difera de la om la om) in picioare subtiri cu pantaloni pana terminati cu o frizura Ana Wintour, o poseta veche din lac negru cu cadru metalin care kick's any Birkin bag ass si-o umbrela vitage, verde greu, cu maner gravat, din lemn roscat. Ce-mi plac mie oamenii frumosi!
to be continued...
2. Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan s-a dus. Tanar, doar vreo 50siceva de ani. Cand s-a dus Pittis castiga Coconea Red Bull XAlps. Acum Costel e mare iar Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan se duce cu discretie. Iarasi, patrie gaunoasa...
3. Citeam in Time de Kosovo in tripul meu underground. Imi zic in gand uitandu-ma la baba coafata care nu-ntelege ce citesc: "In Kosovo n-are cum sa fie pace sau valabila regula jocului cu suma zero. Terenul asta "intra-vilan" (definitie adaptata la regulile jocului international, evident)e Kosovopolje, carevasazica Campia Mierlei unde si-au luat-o sarbii si turcii deopotriva (la scara direct proportionala cu marimea statului fiecaruia). E locul unde, oricum ai da-o, cineva (daca nu toata lumea) o mierleste.
4. Revenind la metrou, constat cu placere ca la ora metroului cu intarziati (adica acei norocosi care au evitat macelul de 9 o'clock) lumea e mai frumoasa. E chiar un catwalk. Am vazut azi una bucata tip hip-hop-er style cu shoezi alb-negru (unul alb si unul negru), o geaca de piele retro a la Blondie frontwoman, platforme din velur negru tinute elegant (stiti cum sade o lady pe scaun, right? daca nu, cititi cum sa fi o lady, suplimentul din saptamana financiara. e fascinant. motivul fascinatiei difera de la om la om) in picioare subtiri cu pantaloni pana terminati cu o frizura Ana Wintour, o poseta veche din lac negru cu cadru metalin care kick's any Birkin bag ass si-o umbrela vitage, verde greu, cu maner gravat, din lemn roscat. Ce-mi plac mie oamenii frumosi!
to be continued...
corner-eye snapshots,
everyday sociology,
life stuff,
Romania is my country,
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Misscommunications on Vodafone
Things are really spooky. I just received a call from a friend, his name was shown on the screen but the voice was that of a woman looking for Mihaela. She said there had been an accident. I got scared. It was clearly a mistake but why did my friend's name clearly appear on my mobile phone screen as this lady called? I asked around only to find that weird thing have been happening for some hours now. I got calls from a Mr. Trandafir and a Simona. Both very nervous because they were sure to have called the right persons. I expected them to yell: "what did you do to my friend? where is he/she??!!"
The best so far is a colleague trying to call Vodafone's *222 number to report the series of miss communications and got transfered to ... himself. Make the most of now! as they say :)
Anyone been there or anywhere close today?
The best so far is a colleague trying to call Vodafone's *222 number to report the series of miss communications and got transfered to ... himself. Make the most of now! as they say :)
Anyone been there or anywhere close today?
customer care,
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
sheryl said
God, I feel like hell tonight/ Tears of rage I cannot fight/ I’d be the last to help you understand/Are you strong enough to be my man?
Nothing’s true and nothing’s right/ So let me be alone tonight/ Cause you can’t change the way I am/ Are you man enough to be my man?
When I’ve shown you that I just don’t care/When I’m throwing punches in the air/ When I’m broken down and I can’t stand/Will you be strong enough to be my man?
listen up here. Sheryl speaks the truth there. 'twas a Sheryl day. Sheryl used to be me and Cici having cake for her good mark in maths. her mom always baked a cake if she took a B (8) in Maths. Cool mom. cool kid. She's an ethnologist now.
Nothing’s true and nothing’s right/ So let me be alone tonight/ Cause you can’t change the way I am/ Are you man enough to be my man?
When I’ve shown you that I just don’t care/When I’m throwing punches in the air/ When I’m broken down and I can’t stand/Will you be strong enough to be my man?
listen up here. Sheryl speaks the truth there. 'twas a Sheryl day. Sheryl used to be me and Cici having cake for her good mark in maths. her mom always baked a cake if she took a B (8) in Maths. Cool mom. cool kid. She's an ethnologist now.
Petitie impotriva obiceurilor de 8 martie
mai precis impotriva plicurilor care trebuie date profelor si invatatoarelor.... si lista poate continua cu doctoritze, functionare, jurnaliste... cand plicul devine obligatoriu iar marimea si forma lui un criteriu de departajare e clar ca nu mai e doar un gest frumos... Voi cate plicuri/martisoare/buchete ati dat de nevoie?
Petitia e aici
dar doar 2 oameni au semnat.
Petitia e aici
dar doar 2 oameni au semnat.
everyday sociology,
Romania is my country
Thursday, 6 March 2008
mellow-ish post
it's the black&white song, the freshly washed nightgown, stipe's voice in alto, the material and perishable smoke, the old rotary disc telephone I was waiting by for your voice some 9 years ago, Moni eyes-shut singing this tune when we were small, the comfort and the trouble about it... it keeps me listening
unintended poetry
De ce-mi sta mintea...
Patriciu e cel mai bogat roman din topul Forbes cu 2,5 miliarde de Euro avere. E urmat nu de Tiriac cum v-ati astepta ci de Gigi Becali. Un afacerist controversat cu charisma si background politic, un sportiv cu simtul afacerii si-al luxului, un oier fara simtul penibilului dar cu echipa de fotbal, pamanturi si palat. Ce combinatie ... Romania is my country.
Dupa cum am aflat de aici
Dupa cum am aflat de aici
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
This time
My mind is in a state/ 'Cause all I seem to do is tempt my fate/Well I try a real space/ But all the while, I'm crashing at the gate/ This time.. Reality struck me between the eyes
My mind is in a state/'Cause everything I'm missing comes too late/ So I try and disappear/ But there is only one way out of here/This time...Reality struck me between the eyes
My mind is in a state/ But all I need to do is change my pace/ And I know there's fear to face/ But happiness is found in its embrace/ This time...
My mind is in a state/'Cause everything I'm missing comes too late/ So I try and disappear/ But there is only one way out of here/This time...Reality struck me between the eyes
My mind is in a state/ But all I need to do is change my pace/ And I know there's fear to face/ But happiness is found in its embrace/ This time...
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