Wednesday 14 January 2009

Nothing is original (quote of the day)

de la Jim Jarmusch (regizor pe care tocmai ne pregatim sa-l vedem integral, right C?)

As putea spune ca Faris Yakob (domnul cu "talent imitates, genius steals" D'oh!)

"I could start on about how there being something truly original doesn't really make sense as an idea - where would it come from, how would we understand it, how far back do you have to go to claim absolute originality - using concepts, words, pictures, matertials etc etc. But I don't think I really need to - Jim nailed it".

Sau as putea sa reinterpretez toata treaba, amintindu-mi de show-ul revolutionar about Nothing al lui Jerry Seinfeld & gashca. Nothing IS original, indeed :)

And then again, se verifica aia "authenticity is king" si ma simt iar prea mare si prea departe de varsta la care stiam lucrurile astea mai bine. Asta dincolo de faptul ca le documentam si-mi construiam "Marea Teorie despre Lume, Viata si Adevar" :)

I used to be waaay smarter as a teen. Voi?

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