"un chagrin", "une impossibilité", "une tristesse", "une mauvaise volonté", "une chute", "une absence", "un mal de vivre", "un aveuglement", "un abime", "une mauvaise vision", "une honte", "un non-vivre", "une non-vision", "un non-vouloir", "un non-pouvoir", "une non-construction", "une non-possibilité", "une tête tanchée", "une vision", "un non-exister", "une absence de volonté"
This is Josephine Baker in a nutshell, as seen and interpreted by Vera Montero. Josephine Baker, a "mysterious thing, neither primitive nor civilized nor beyond time, at least not in the sense where emotion is beyond mathematics" said E. E. Cummings
Vera Montero's Josephine confrunts the audience naked and in the dark, hesitating on the brink of some existential abyss, somewhere beyond glitter, spark and savage erotism. She is tragically tied to this world, with the tragism of every moment of a human life.
This show has been a tyrany of words experienced both by the performer (a very expressive, versatile Vera Montero) and by the audience. In a dimming dark, discovering a sculptural body, balancing on some cow-shoes. Tyrany of words. some most serenity-killing words. Tyrany of phisical and pshicological balance. ATROCE.
Image from LeMonde Journal Photographique
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